how can you help?
The initial devastation in Haiti is being met with enormous global emergency response to provide those affected with basic needs.
Relief, restoration, and recovery of Haiti will be a complex, expensive, and time-consuming process.
The problem is that donor interest will wane and disaster fatigue will commence soon.
We must meet the obligation within Haiti and take the long view of its recovery by creating a concerted and continual flow of donations to sustain the work there.
Please join Daedalus in both an immediate and sustained effort to assist in restoration and recovery in Haiti. Donate now!
Rather than sending money for general purposes, we will concentrate upon identifiable projects—projects that you will be able to find on the map—and know that you are a part. There will be opportunities to volunteer. If interested, contact us.
our principles
Three components are of primary importance to the
projects undertaken by Daedalus: they must have a humanitarian basis, be
environmentally sound, and promote sustainable economic
The daedalus foundation
The Daedalus Foundation was established in 1998 as a non-profit, charitable organization and was subsequently accorded tax-exempt--501 (c) (3) status--by the US Internal Revenue Service.
Our Mission
The Daedalus Foundation
was founded upon a unique model that focuses upon
population-related matters.
As our global population grows, many situations and events are greatly exaggerated by the absolute numbers of people involved. Among the most important issues, and those upon which Daedalus is currently focused, are housing poverty, water poverty, and sanitation. Solutions to those problems are best addressed in the framework of the creation of community and sustainable economic growth.
Among the
challenges facing those attempting to alleviate
housing and water poverty through technological
means is to develop a way to change the situation
for the greatest number, in the shortest period of
time, and in a manner that can be sustained.
Ultimately, that framework must make housing and
water affordable to the poor, and one element of
that affordability is low-cost materials and
systems. Daedalus is able to provide those
Today, The Daedalus Foundation provides a
source of information regarding housing and water issues facing the world and
a link for your support to programs aimed at those people and countries in most need of our support. For more than a century, international relief and development organizations have been able to respond to humanitarian needs because of private funds raised to support this vital work. Please help us continue this tradition by
donating now.
what we do

The Daedalus Foundation is an action-oriented charitable organization.
Daedalus' activities are focused upon projects of primary importance to humanity and the environment—and to promote sustainable economic growth—principally in developing areas.
population matters

Current estimates on population growth vary, particularly by country, more than at any time in history.
In general, the literature reflects that it took from creation until around 1830 for one billion people to inhabit the earth. From that point, it only took one hundred years to add another billion. By 1960, there were three billion people in the world. On October 12, 2000, the world, led by the United Nations and private organizations such as the Population Institute, in Washington, DC, acknowledged the symbolic birth of the six billionth living human being. This year, they will celebrate arrival of the seven billionth.
tiffany fund
The Daedalus Foundation established a special fund to assist the victims of Sickle Cell Anemia.
Tiffany Fund
was established to
assist victims
of Sickle Cell
Anemia who require
assistance because
of their condition—and to contribute to
an understanding of
the cure for
the disease.